Pdf diversidad biocultural y especies bioculturales. Knowledge and use of biocultural diversity by nahua in the. For research, this approach highlights the need to recognize the. For research, this approach highlights the need to recognize the rights of indigenous peoples and. Biocultural diversity conserved by indigenous peoples and. Recovering the vital links between the inhabitants, their habits, and habitats. Educacion intercultural y diversidad biocultural youtube. Jun 27, 2016 cafe boleros, musica ambiental agradable y suave, empresas hoteles restaurantes cafeterias eventos duration. The biocultural approach offers a more comprehensive view to recognize and investigate the complex interrelationships between ecological processes and cultural dynamics. Biocultural diversity comprises the diversity of life in all of its manifestations biological, cultural, and linguistic which are interrelated and likely coevolved within a complex socioecological adaptive system maffiwoodley 2010. Territorios bioculturalesindigenas unapropuestaparalaprotecciondeterritoriosindigenasyelbuenviviralejandroargumedo,asociacionandes. Fourth annual conference of the international society for. This larger document provides the examples and analysis underlying the. This larger document provides the examples and analysis underlying the policy advice contained in that briefing note.
Indigenous conservation territories and areas conserved by indigenous peoples and local communities iccas for short are the subject of an iucnceesp briefing note launched at cbd sbstta in may 2010. Desarrollo territorial rural con identidad cultural dtric. Territorios bioculturales indigenas international funders for. Maffi l 2001 on biocultural diversity linking language, knowledge, and the environment.
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